Friday, April 30, 2010

My First Post

Since it has been years, (literally,) since I started this blog, I finally decided to post something on it! Wouldn't you know it, there's not much going on at our house to report on, which is probably why I finally had time to learn how to set this blog up. This is definitely a work in progress for me and I have a lot to learn, but I am starting out by simply posting and I will keep working on the technical side of blogging.
I say that nothing much is going on at our house, but that's not completely true. As I sit here typing, I can hear Spencer practicing on the piano for his recital tonight and Matt and Brooks are getting ready to head out the door for a Scout campout. I wish I had taken pictures of the tents that Matt used to hang upside down in our garage after a soggy campout! Since he is no longer the Scoutmaster, he doesn't get to deal with that part of the camping experience. Now, he just goes along for the fun of it - or something like that.
It is starting to rain a bit and I am thankful that I'm not sleeping outside in a tent. After a busy day today - which included a trip to Costco, where I ran into two of the sweetest ladies, (my Aunt Caroline and Aunt Zola,) - I am happy to be home. Although that won't last for long, since we do have a piano recital in a few hours. I'll enjoy it while I can, though, and be thankful for the few moments of peace! Until next time -

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