Sunday, May 23, 2010

Teenagers - Look out!!

Spencer had a few friends over to watch a movie last night - they watched "Better Off Dead" - it was even a videotape copy of the movie! Any-who - while they were watching the movie, our doorbell rang and when we answered it there was nobody there. After a couple of times, Matt looked on the front porch, and there was a message written there in chalk. It said, "Spencer, check your driveway!" Apparently, toilet papering a house is "so yesterday." These girls had chalked messages all over our driveway. Personally, I like the cleanup A LOT better than t-p'ing. Oh, to be a teenager again :)

Too, too funny. He is plotting revenge, though, and plans to go to the D.I. and find as many cheap and cheesy lawn ornaments as he can to put on these girl's lawns. Should be fun!

Happy Birthday to Eli!

This is what we call an Eli-samwich. Squish those cheeks!!!

Eli turned the big 4 last Sunday. I love that he was thrilled with the $10 Play-Doh toy. I wish that the older kids were as easy, (not to mention inexpensive!) to please. So much fun watching him grow up!!

Eli and Handy Manny. I don't normally buy cakes for the kid's birthdays - they are more expensive than the gifts!! But, I was at the PTA convention the few days before his birthday, and I knew that I wasn't going to have the time to put one together. Thank heavens that Walmart could bail me out when time was tight. He loved the cake and kept peeking at it all day long.

Here's to another year of love and fun and joy and all that good stuff! Happy birthday, sweet boy!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Seventeen Years

Today is our anniversary. We were married seventeen years ago today in the Logan Temple. There are so many, many things that I have learned in the past seventeen years, which sounds to me like a good reason to make a list, (I am a compulsive list-maker and I look for any reason whatsoever to make a good list!) So, in no particular order -
  • Guys definitely don't like to talk as much as girls. Thank heavens for the women in my life who let me analyze things until I'm blue in the face!
  • I haven't followed all the advice I was given when I was first married, and guess what? It's been just fine. I've still never gone to bed angry, though - annoyed, maybe, but not angry.
  • Patience is a lifestyle, not just a virtue.
  • Selfishness is the worst thing that can happen to a marriage - or really any relationship, for that matter.
  • It still amazes me that when we put each other first, we both end up happy. How exactly does that work???
  • Having different opinions and interests can be a good thing - respecting and supporting each other is what it's all about. Although, I have yet to figure out the golf-thing!
  • Love changes shape continually as our lives become first one thing and then another. 'Rolling with it' is essential to a happy marriage.
  • Without a doubt, I married a man who brings out the best in me. We complement and balance each other and I thank my Heavenly Father every day for blessing me with such a good man to take this journey with.

I'm sure there are many, many more things that I have learned, and will continue to learn, but for today, that is my list. Happy Anniversary!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

My First Post

Since it has been years, (literally,) since I started this blog, I finally decided to post something on it! Wouldn't you know it, there's not much going on at our house to report on, which is probably why I finally had time to learn how to set this blog up. This is definitely a work in progress for me and I have a lot to learn, but I am starting out by simply posting and I will keep working on the technical side of blogging.
I say that nothing much is going on at our house, but that's not completely true. As I sit here typing, I can hear Spencer practicing on the piano for his recital tonight and Matt and Brooks are getting ready to head out the door for a Scout campout. I wish I had taken pictures of the tents that Matt used to hang upside down in our garage after a soggy campout! Since he is no longer the Scoutmaster, he doesn't get to deal with that part of the camping experience. Now, he just goes along for the fun of it - or something like that.
It is starting to rain a bit and I am thankful that I'm not sleeping outside in a tent. After a busy day today - which included a trip to Costco, where I ran into two of the sweetest ladies, (my Aunt Caroline and Aunt Zola,) - I am happy to be home. Although that won't last for long, since we do have a piano recital in a few hours. I'll enjoy it while I can, though, and be thankful for the few moments of peace! Until next time -