Sunday, May 23, 2010

Teenagers - Look out!!

Spencer had a few friends over to watch a movie last night - they watched "Better Off Dead" - it was even a videotape copy of the movie! Any-who - while they were watching the movie, our doorbell rang and when we answered it there was nobody there. After a couple of times, Matt looked on the front porch, and there was a message written there in chalk. It said, "Spencer, check your driveway!" Apparently, toilet papering a house is "so yesterday." These girls had chalked messages all over our driveway. Personally, I like the cleanup A LOT better than t-p'ing. Oh, to be a teenager again :)

Too, too funny. He is plotting revenge, though, and plans to go to the D.I. and find as many cheap and cheesy lawn ornaments as he can to put on these girl's lawns. Should be fun!

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