Saturday, May 1, 2010

Seventeen Years

Today is our anniversary. We were married seventeen years ago today in the Logan Temple. There are so many, many things that I have learned in the past seventeen years, which sounds to me like a good reason to make a list, (I am a compulsive list-maker and I look for any reason whatsoever to make a good list!) So, in no particular order -
  • Guys definitely don't like to talk as much as girls. Thank heavens for the women in my life who let me analyze things until I'm blue in the face!
  • I haven't followed all the advice I was given when I was first married, and guess what? It's been just fine. I've still never gone to bed angry, though - annoyed, maybe, but not angry.
  • Patience is a lifestyle, not just a virtue.
  • Selfishness is the worst thing that can happen to a marriage - or really any relationship, for that matter.
  • It still amazes me that when we put each other first, we both end up happy. How exactly does that work???
  • Having different opinions and interests can be a good thing - respecting and supporting each other is what it's all about. Although, I have yet to figure out the golf-thing!
  • Love changes shape continually as our lives become first one thing and then another. 'Rolling with it' is essential to a happy marriage.
  • Without a doubt, I married a man who brings out the best in me. We complement and balance each other and I thank my Heavenly Father every day for blessing me with such a good man to take this journey with.

I'm sure there are many, many more things that I have learned, and will continue to learn, but for today, that is my list. Happy Anniversary!!

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